AwayFind - Mobile notifications for priority messages. The email management solution for Gmail and Exchange.

Email 1.  AwayFind 0.

AwayFind has been acquired, and can no longer fight your email.

AwayFind is a web and mobile service
that notifies you of important,
timely emails. We battled email
from 2010 to 2015. Learn » more »

Thank you for your support over the years!

AwayFind for iPhone image

Testimonials from former customers. Sorry you can't join them!

Patrick Rhone
Patrick Rhone
Machine Methods
I'm not tied to my email.
The important stuff
gets through to me.
Susan Murphy
Susan Murphy
Jester Creative
It enabled me to clear
my mind from what's
happening in my inbox.
Merlin Mann
Merlin Mann
author of Inbox Zero
It gives me confidence to
do what I need without
hovering over my inbox 24/7
— I highly recommend.
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